Steelback Joins Roccat For EU LCS 2016 Summer Split

Roccat has just announced a roster change that is sure to bolster their lineup by signing a top tier European AD carry in Steelback. Their had been many reports of both sides wanting to change up rosters.


After a disappointing 9th place finish in the EU LCS 2016 Spring Split, Roccat was looking to revamp their lineup with a whole different look. The veteran team dropped every single player except their jungler Airwaks and mid laner Betsy who proved to have great synergy throughout the season that propelled Roccat to have an amazing early game.

Steelback is a player that will be a massive improvement over last splits AD Carries Tabzz. Steelback finished first among AD carries with a 6.2 KDA While Tabzz finished 8th with a 3.5 KDA during his tenure with Roccat. The team would often struggle if their star midlaner, Betsy was not fed to snowball the early game. However, Steelback is an AD carry that will not only be reliable for the team, he will be an AD carry that will look to create an advantage on his own.

While media is unbeknownst as to who will be filling Roccat’s top and support role, the team already has three players that will be able to carry the early game over mid to low tier LCS teams. This roster change should bolster Roccat to become a mid tier LCS team while turning Steelback’s former team Unicorns of Love into a bottom tier LCS team. This roster change was one that has been expected by many fans.

After getting swept in the quarterfinals by Origen, Steelback had been looking at other offers and had plans to leave the Unicorns of Love squad. Early reports indicated that he was receiving offers from both EU and NA. However, from NA, the only offers he received were from challenger squads Dream Team and a scrapped sister team from Immortals. Reports indicate that Steelback has joined the team because of its proposed lineup. This could mean that Roccat may be gaining two more star players in the top and support role which could possibly even propel Roccat to become a top 4 team.

Roccat is gaining of Europe’s best AD Carries that is proven to be both a player that understand where to be on the map and how to shotcall his team to victory. The voice to help close out their games is mainly what Roccat needs to become a playoff team. It is only icing on the cake that they also gain a player that is proficient at both. Stay tuned for more League of Legends Roster Changes.

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