What If DraftKings Had Football Casino Games?

What If DraftKings Had Football Casino Games?

The popularity of daily fantasy sports continues to grow with the shorter format appealing to a larger audience compared to traditional fantasy sports. One of the brands at the forefront is DraftKings, which has managed to bring DFS into the mainstream with its support for a number of sports — the largest of which of course being NFL.

As DraftKings continues its expansion in U.S. markets, there have been talks of the DFS company investing in casino gaming as well. This could bring casino games onto its platform, transforming it into more of a fully-fledged online casino. Given DK’s large focus on NFL, there’s a large amount of potential gamified activities based on football.

Animated online poker

Poker is always a strong part of casinos, with online casinos in particular having the technology to offer their own spin on the popular pastime. Online poker can make use of not just digital poker tables, but player avatars and dealers too.

A potential DraftKings animated online poker game could allow players to use NFL legends, both past and present, as their avatars while playing. This is something that could be tied to performance, with higher winnings granting access to the use of more notable players.

NFL-themed slot machines


Another staple of casinos, both online or otherwise, is slot machines. This is an obvious choice, considering that sports already have a place in modern online slots. A number of European-based platforms are home to soccer-themed slots, with Gala Bingo’s slot platform featuring several horse-racing games as well. These games are popular due to the regions they’re hosted in. Because of this, it makes sense to introduce an NFL-themed slot on a U.S.-based platform like DraftKings.

Roulette wheels

Roulette wheels are a safe choice, being easy to understand for even new casino goers. By giving them an NFL spin, you could replace the usual numbers with players like Patrick Mahomes. It’s a convenient way to give the tried-and-true casino game a new makeover, making it more engaging for football fans.

This theme also covers the way numbers are grouped up on a tradition roulette wheel. Rather than grouping up numbers by “1 to 12” and the like, they could instead be grouped by a player’s team or position.

Retro-style NFL arcade games

There are many retro games that focus on football, such as the classic NES title Tecmo Bowl, meaning that a retro-style NFL arcade game could be used to appeal to older players’ nostalgia.

A potential NFL arcade game would make use of deliberately retro graphics, allowing for faster development and easier implementation of new players. A simpler game also makes it easier to include player wagering components. For example, people could bet on the performance of a specific player, or the results of each match.

Field goal kicking arcade game

A field goal kicking arcade game is another spin on arcade titles, offering another spin on the previous retro idea. This would be another simple title that’s easy to understand for newer gamers. It would only need a few buttons to play (or even just one, depending on how simplified you go), requiring players to time their button press to score increasingly longer distance field goals.

The player doing the kicking would be able to set how far away the goal is — consistent long-distance goals offering higher winnings — while others could bet on whether they succeed. Players can rotate after each miss, making it a quick and easy game that many people can try within a short period of time.

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