2016 Sports Story that Mattered to Me: Kaepernick Takes a Knee
My name is Tom Hardy and the 2016 sports story that mattered to me was Colin Kaepernick’s “protest”. To lay the back story for Kaepernick’s protest several African American’s were killed over encounters with law enforcement. Controversy arose over the actions of police; did the officers abuse their power? Where these deaths racially motivated? Did the officer’s commit murder?
The heart of the controversy began in July of this year a month before the NFL season began. Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem in protest of the oppression of the way people of color were treated in this country. As a Solider I was outraged that Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem; my co-workers and I used language to describe Kaepernick’s behavior that would make a preacher cry. I could not fathom someone disrespecting the song and the meaning behind it. Several other NFL players joined Kaepernick in taking a knee during the National Anthem. A full timeline of Kaepernick’s protest can be found here One on hand peacefully protesting is in our Bill of Rights, but on the other hand taking a knee during the National Anthem to protest has to be on the bottom of the list in terms of protesting. Hold a rally, sign petitions, boycott, organize, organize rallies, use your status as a multi-million dollar athlete to your advantage. Several college and high school football players took a knee during the National Anthem. I read a story where a high school invited veterans to sing the National Anthem then took a knee during the song. The story can be found here. What a disgusting gesture by that school; that was the biggest slap in the face to our nations’ veterans.
The Presidental election only added fuel to the premise of Kaepernick’s protest. Donald Trump’s opinions ranging from his Tax Returns to building a wall for immigrants, to grabbing women by the p****. Several athletes expressed dissatisfaction with Trump’s campaign and publically supported Hilary Clinton. After Trumps, victory news broke out that Kaepernick did not even vote. At that moment Kaepernick became a punch line. An NFL Network Red Zone anchor made a joke about it. For those who have not seen the clip, you can view it here. The announcer commented on a quarterback scramble by Kaepernick citing that he was not slowed down by the I voted Sticker. Even Al Micheals, a respected sportscaster made a joke when the camera panned to Kaepernick taking a knee during the National Anthem when the 49ers played the LA Rams.
As American’s we have the freedom to express our opinion due to the First Amendment (the second reference to the Bill of Rights within the same article…..I knew my history degree would come in handy one day). Kaepernick does have the right to express his own opinion by kneeling during the National Anthem, and if he feels strongly enough about a subject then sure protest. This country has seen the protest that has stirred controversy before during the Civil Rights movement. The difference between the Civil Rights movement and Kapernick is that the Civil Rights movement included leaders like Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Thurgood Marshall. Kaepernick’s protest is just that, him kneeling to generate publicity.
After all the protesting Kaepernick did he did not even vote. If you do not vote then you have no basis for complaining about our government. For all the press coverage that kneeling brought it went away just as quickly by not voting. Everything that Kaepernick stood for (figuratively) crumbled by not taking an hour out of your day to go vote. Kaepernick had an opportunity to lead a protest and failed. Kaepernick could have used his multi-million dollar status has a soapbox for political issues, be a black role model to inspire younger generations to be more involved in politics. Kaepernick failed to capitalize on the best opportunity of his career.
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