Biggest Sore Losers of 2016

Sore losers are a dime a dozen and we’ve certainly already had some sour pusses in 2016.  So just who are the biggest sore losers thus far in 2016?

Cam Newton, Carolina Panthers Quarterback

Our first of the sore losers in 2016 was, of course, Cam Newton.  After losing Super Bowl 50 to the Denver Broncos, the Carolina Panthers quarterback pouted his way through the post-game press conference and while he didn’t “storm out” like many media outlets reported, he did quietly get up and leave in the middle.  Look, I really don’t blame the guy for being upset that he just lost the biggest game of his career.  But wait… what career?  Newton is only 26 years old and has many years ahead of him.  He’ll learn to realize that like it or not, he’s a role model for kids and should grow up so he can be someone they can admire.  Given Newton’s youth and talent, he is destined to be one of the most electrifying quarterbacks ever.  What is less certain is whether he can overcome immaturity and the inability to be a well-mannered loser.

Mike Krzyzewski, Men’s Basketball Coach – Duke University

The Oregon Ducks slaughtered the Duke Blue Devils 85-68 in the sweet 16 round of the 2016 NCAA tournament.  Not only did Duke’s Grayson Allen refuse to shake the hand of Oregon’s Dillon Brooks after the game but Coach Krzyzewski appeared to give Brooks an earful on etiquette.  Allen might as well be in diapers at the ripe old age of 20 so there’s hope he has time to grow up.  Krzyzewski, on the other hand, should know better.  Of course, there’s two sides to every story and Coach K. says Brooks embellished the exchange but when you’ve been coaching college basketball for over 30 years, there’s an expectation that you’ve learned to be gracious in defeat.  So, for now, Coach K. makes the biggest sore loser list but we are hopeful that this was a rare moment of weakness.

University of North Carolina Fans

When Kris Jenkins of the Villanova Wildcat’s sank the game-winning shot at the buzzer to win the 2016 NCAA basketball tournament over the University of North Carolina, both Tar Heel and Wildcats fans were stunned.  Stupefied, Wildcats fans reveled in the joy of Villanova winning its second title and Tar Heel fans were shocked that only 4 seconds earlier, Marcus Paige had hit a 3 to tie the game and send it into what they thought would be overtime.  So not only were Tar Heel fans dumbfounded when the game didn’t go into overtime they were without speech because they had lost.  One Tar Heel fan [who will remain nameless because far be it for me to give some idiot more publicity] took it to the next level by petitioning to have the game overturned due to poor officiating.  According to the petition, UNC had fouls that were called against them that they didn’t commit and Villanova didn’t get called for fouls they did commit. The petition has over 4,000 signatures.  Are you kidding me?!   How about the fact that UNC only shot 43% from the field?  These Tar Heel fans are making history in the sore loser Olympics.

Pierre-Edouard Bellmare, Philadelphia Flyers Forward

Philadelphia Flyers Forward Pierre-Edouard Bellmare took one of the cheapest shots in recent history for no other reason than he was pissed his team was losing.  Down 2-0 in the 2016 Stanley Cup playoff series against the Washington Capitals and down 4-1 in game 3, Bellmare illegally checked Dmitry Orlov from the back, head first into the boards.  If you haven’t seen the video, it is definitely one that will make you cringe.  By some stroke of luck, Orlov suffered no serious damage or injury; however, it could have easily been a neck injury to end his season or worse, his career.  If the cheap shot wasn’t enough, Flyers fans threw things at Orlov while he was down.  The check by Bellmare was a blatant disregard for safety and Philly fans are just bitter, angry people.  Remember in 1998 when Veterans Stadium that used to host the Philadelphia Eagles built a jail under the stadium for all the unruly fans?  I mean, what other city does that?!  Athletes get frustrated when they play badly and when their teams lose but taking frustrations out on a defenseless player with the ultimate cheap shot from behind ranks pretty high among sore losers.

Donald Trump

After Ted Cruz won the Wisconsin republican presidential primary Donald Trump further solidified his high ranking in the sore losers club.  Trump accused Cruz of illegal campaigning after losing in Wisconsin in convincing fashion.  A gentleman would have shaken his opponent’s hand, offered a congratulatory smile and walked away with grace.  Not Trump.  I seriously cannot imagine this guy running a hotel with his name on it let alone the free world.  I would like to personally thank the person who coined the phrase “trumper tantrum”.

Jules Rules:  We are only four months into 2016 but sore losers seem to be everywhere you turn.  Sports or politics alike, these cry babies give us plenty to talk about.

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