#GoingFor2Live Sunday Morning #Start #Sit Stream – Week 17
The Going For 2 Live morning crew is back for Week 17 Fantasy Football Start / Sit questions. Feel free to ask Jamie Perog (@JamiePerog) Topher Kurt (@topherk44) and Kyle Senra (@SenraSays) any and all fantasy football questions.
YouTube 👉🏻 / @goingfor2live
Spotify 👉🏻 https://open.spotify.com/show/6zttswa
Itunes 👉🏻 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast
Website 👉🏻 https://goingfor2.com
Tik Tok 👉🏻 / geofflambert7.
Sponsor 👉🏻 https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-go
#GoingFor2Live #FantasyFootball #NFL #Start #Sit #Questions
#GoingFor2 #Fantasy #Football #Sunday #Week17
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