Q And A With Two Time Heavyweight Champion of The World Tim Witherspoon Sr. AKA Tim The Terrible
Q: You said Boxing kept you out of trouble like it has for your son and many others who box at your gym. Why is that?
A: For me and for a lot of people it starts out as something positive to do. I didn’t know it would turn into a career or be how I met my wife or most importantly the lord. It is a great outlet like Junior had told you. It keeps people off the streets and becomes something productive to do.
Q: As a man of the faith as well I find that to be inspirational. With the temptations that come with being a professional athlete and in your particular case a very famous 2-time Heavyweight Champion of the world, how did you avoid the temptations that the world has to offer?
A: That’s a good question kid. I was raised in the church. Loose women that know you have money and fame tried their best, but that’s where my faith in Jesus came in man. People always have their hand out as I’m sure you know as a writer once you have made something of yourself. Then I met my wife and she’s been my rock. She’s always been in my corner praying for me.
Q: That’s great and truly inspiring. Let’s talk a little bit about boxing. What was your favorite moment of your career?
A: Getting to spar with the great Muhmaddi Ali. Winning the titles did mean a lot to me, but getting to spar with my hero and just getting to know him was the highlight of my entire pro boxing career.
Q: That is really cool sir! Do you still keep in touch?
A: Haha yeah man we still talk a few times a month. He has Parkinson ‘s so he’s in my prayers and in my family’s prayers.
Q: He’s in my prayers as well now. That’s great that you keep in touch and you pray for him. Your son Tim Jr. as many know also became a pro boxer. He told me your daughter also went pro?! What’s that like? Do you worry about her a lot? As in more so than your son when he fought?
A: Another good question. I wouldn’t;t say more so or more than, but she’s my little girl so yeah hahaha maybe just a little more, to honest. That being said she’s a pro and she knows how to fight as well as any man in our boxing family so I worry a lot less than I did when she first got started.
Q: That’s really cool. Three pro boxers in the family. It is an interesting time for female athletes in today’s world. There are a lot of female college football players, and Becca Long might get a real shot to kick in the NFL next season. Have you heard about that?
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A: I actually have. My daughter told me about her and I’m all for it. I heard the Arizona Cardinals wanted to have a female kicker from the U.S. Olympic soccer team try out for them in 2018 and I think that’s cool. She turned it down and I can’t remember her name. I’m all for female athletes in men’s pro sports at certain positions (like) a kicker or a punter but ill admit I wouldn’t want to see a female QB only because those NFL Linebackers are really big and hit hard.
Q: I completely agree. Thank you sir for your time. God bless you.
A: God bless you as well kid as well as your family.
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