Why I Hate The NFL in L.A.

Last week the NFL approved the St. Louis Rams to move to L.A. to once again become the L.A. Rams.  I thought once a team moved to L.A. I’d be happy because I’d stop hearing about what teams would move to L.A., but no, the city that’s never been able to hold on to an NFL team isn’t done, it wants more, like it wants all the teams apparently.  So sit back, relax, and remember, don’t take this completely seriously, I don’t mean it completely literally, but here is Why I hate The NFL in LA.

st louis rams now los angeles rams

L.A. is the second biggest media market in the country (maybe the world, not sure about that and not looking it up, google that shit yourself if you want to know, I can’t do everything for you) and because of this the NFL has been creaming in their shorts to get a team back there since both the Rams and Raiders jettison that cesspool of self-absorbed d-bags.  And because of that want to get back to L.A. every owner in the NFL has been able to lord this over their home cities to get whatever they want, from tax breaks to new stadiums.  Seriously, fuck the NFL for this, most city governments are broke these days and last year the NFL made $9 Billion in profits last year, they do not need to extort money from cities and their citizens.

Here’s the thing, do you know why both the Rams and Raiders left L.A.?  Easy, L.A. is such a transient area that there are pretty much no locals, everyone is from somewhere else hoping to be the next big star.  The only franchise anyone from L.A. gives two shits about are the Lakers and that is because they used to be good and it’s more like a social event.  90% of the people there probably don’t even know the fucking score, they’re just trying to pass their script or head shot off to whatever producer is sitting court side that evening.

The first few games played in L.A. will be sell-outs but then once the town realizes they’ve inherited the Rams, and not the fun Kurt Warner led Rams, they’ll stop showing up for games because the Rams suck.  This is a Jeff Fisher run team, a team that’s not flashy and likes to play as dirty as fuck on defense.  That shit might fly in Oakland, but L.A. is to “sophisticated” for that, they want to see deep balls and lots of points, something Nick Foles is incapable of doing.  In a matter of weeks, the Rams will be as forgettable as the Chiefs.

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Also allowing the Rams to move to L.A. is the NFL encouraging owners to extort and ransom cities to get what they want.  I can hear you asking, but where will these teams threaten to move?  Well the NFL has said they’d like multiple teams in L.A. and the Chargers and Raiders ending up there as well is not far fetched.  Not to mention the Ginger Hammer would like nothing more than to put a team in London.  God can you imagine a London team, that will be the worst.

Not to mention in a few years when the Rams continue to suck and everyone stops coming to the games — then what?  They’ll probably threaten to move back to St. Louis.  I just can’t stand these franchise threatening to move when the fans and the cities have routinely spent a ton of money and given so much support to that franchise just to be dumped.

They’ll either do that or start drafting local USC and UCLA players in hopes it will get all the college fans to come out on Sunday, too bad those same fans are probably healing from their hangovers from the day before while rooting for a SoCal football team that has a chance at winning.

So that is Why I Hate the NFL in L.A. you can disagree with me, but I’d like you to know you’re wrong and I hate you.  However, if you’d like to know more about me, and why wouldn’t you, you can follow me on the Twitter @jomac006 or learn about my awesome writing career here , pick up my books atAmazon, check out my nerdy website Clash of the Nerds, and lastly if you’re a fine lady you should swipe right on Tinder.

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