Four Down Territory: Preseason Walktrough

Since the murder of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor at the hands of the police athletes have leaned in more on racial inequality and using their platforms to speak against social injustice and police brutality.

The NBA, WNBA, MLB, and MLS have dived in heard first to “support” these issues and the NFL is no different.

Roger Goodell even gave us this video on how the league was wrong and should have listened to Colin Kaepernick back in 2016.

Let the record that Kap is still being blackballed and yet to receive a workout outside of that faux meeting in 2019.

Things seemed to settle down as training camp started then the shooting of Jacob Blake shook the NFL, and America to its core, again. The shooting lead the Ravens to release a statement. No, not one of those “Racism is bad” statements that absolves those in charge and with power. It was a statement that clearly identifies the root of the issue and action items to change that. Something that people, yours truly, have been asking for since the beginning.

As nice as that statement was it still isn’t enough. Yes, pointing out that police brutality is the arm of a much bigger villain is needed and it can’t be stated enough but following through on those action items is where the real power resides.

The NFL took it up a notch and decided to put “End Racism” and “It Takes All Of Us” in endzones this season.


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Athletes say all the time they want to use their platforms to raise awareness about social issues and bring about change. Well, how does that happen? How can an athlete’s reach go beyond the field and into legislation?

Their owners, that’s how.

Owners have the power. Owners have the cache to get in the room with lawmakers. Owners have the money to make things happen.

And it’s time to start holding their feet to the fire.

It’s time to stop giving passes to billionaires who look at a video of a man being shot seven times while walking away and acknowledging that it’s wrong. It’s time to stop giving them high fives because they threw some money to a nonprofit that helps communities of color.


Because they’re donating triple that amount to people and organizations who don’t give a damn about the plight of black people.

An owner releases a statement saying they’re listening to the pain communities of color are expressing. Cool, how are you using your influence to change that?

If owners are truly in support of their players then it’s time to start acting like it.

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