DFS NBA FanDuel Spreadsheet Ver9.2 Beta Testing
Some of you may have seen me reference the spreadsheet I’ve been working on for about a month now. It’s finally ready to be published to the masses for some real world beta testing. I’ve been testing it myself to some great success over the last few weeks, and a few select friends in the industry have tried it out as well. Now I’m opening it up to all my readers. Before I give you the link, let me explain how it works. Eventually, I’ll have a tutorial video but for now, this will have to do. Below is a screen shot of the spreadsheet. I’ll use the center position to explain how it works…
Link is at the bottom if you want to skip the “How to”, but I suggest reading it…
At the top is the Legend. That’pretty easy to understand I hope. The Grade column is the important column. To get a players grade I weigh a number of factors; Pace, Usage, Price, DvP (defense vs Position), Avg minutes, average FanDuel points, Avg FanDuel points over their last five games, etc. All of these factors are assigned a value and are weighted against the others in order of importance. The “Grade” is all those weighted grades added together to give a final grade. Let me show you a scaled down simple version. To make things easier to understand, I’m only going to use Usage, DvP and Pace. I will also only use letter grades to make it clear.
Player A | Usage 15 Grade: C | DvP +15% Grade: A | Pace 93 Grade: F
If we average this player’s grade overall, Player A gets a C grade overall.
That is the ultra simple version as some metrics, like usage, get weighed more heavily than others, but you get the gist of it.
A couple important things to note:
- The sheet does not account for injuries. An injured player may show up on the sheet with a high grade if he was playing well before the injury.
- The sheet will not account for players that are in line to receive more minutes because of an injury or resting player.
- A player must have at least five games of recent stats to be given a grade
- The sheet can be influenced by one or two big games over their last five.
I would not recommend blindly using the sheet without any other research, but it is great at recognizing some of the great plays and has helped me to eliminate biases towards certain players. Perfect example is the lineup below that I used the sheet to build…
I would have NEVER played Markieff Morris, Trevor Booker, Klay Thompson, nor John Wall on this particular night. None of them were on my radar. I built this lineup for a $1 mini GPP just to test the sheet and it ended up finishing second overall and was by far by best lineup on the night.
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So without further ado, here is the link to tonight’s sheet.
Please send ALL feedback and results, both good and bad to GoingFor2FantasySports@Gmail.com
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