DFS NBA Draftkings Lineup Builder Spreadsheet 10/25/19 (Beta)

Okay guys, the spreadsheet is back for 2019, however, I have switched to DraftKings this year. In the past when it was for Fanduel, people who played Draftkings stilled used it with success, so I would assume that now that it is DraftKings that it should work for Fanduel as well.

A few things to note:

  1. I’m still beta testing it, so remember that as you use it to build lineups.
  2. Because we don’t have enough games to have an accurate “Last 5 Games” average, I’m using projections for now.
  3. For this and future spreadsheets, keep an eye on the time posted. The sheet is not live updating, so someone being ruled out can change projections.
  4. Let me know if you see any inaccuracies in the sheet, please let me know. Converting it from FD to DK required some tweaking of the algorithms and it’s possible I missed something.
  5. Download the GoingFor2 App for iOS and Andriod, the sheet takes a while to load in a browser but takes far less time in the App.
  6. Please give me feedback via Twitter @GeoffLambert77, by Facebook if you are in one of my many groups or use this Contact Form.
  7. Click below to access the sheet:

NBA 2019 DraftKings Spreadsheet